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Ghosts of Edinburgh Interactive Story
City exploration game with horror storyline commissioned by Questo app.

Hello, Robot. flash fiction: Gaia

From dystopian futures to symbiotic harmony, robots have been a pop culture staple for a century. We commissioned writers to respond to our Hello, Robot. exhibition using fiction to explore the themes presented in the show. Hello, Robot.


You Promised 'I'll sing for you,' you promise, but never do. Instead I get excuses and small talk, coy and cute in my ear. 'Sing for me,' I say. 'You said you would.' You blink and I wonder how you...

Skulls and Spells: Queer Horror Anthology Ebook | The Haunted Bouncy Castle

Welcome weary travelers to the horrifying world of Skulls and Spells.This is a collection of magical horrors you rarely find in your everyday bookshop. Get lost in a dark forest of stories. Wander the enchanting full colour pages. Be entranced by the artwork within.

Short story in award-winning Sci-Fi literary zine.

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Dead in the Water
Webcomic in collaboration with @thefothergill. Part of Spider Forest Collective following Webtoon launch. Read the first four episodes here.

Frisson Comics
Sample of work published by Frisson Comics in collaboration with @thefothergill.

Worlds Apart
Collaboration with @felixdrewthis.

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Wilt Short Film
Bustle-featured Horror short currently in festival run. Email for link and password to view.

Subject 12
Shortlisted finalist for 2018’s Sci-Fi London 48 Hour Challenge.